Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  particuliers, crédit-particuliers, eng

Would you like to buy or invest in a second home?

Build or develop your residence?

Banque de Tunisie can help you to concrete your wishes and your real-estate projects the house financing MELKTI.

Amount of the credit

The amount of the credit will be adapted to your repayment capacity and could reach 80% of the total cost of your project.

Credit repayment period

The credit repayment period could reach 25 years.


Prime rates

Your credit will be repayment with prime rates according to the chosen repayment period


No restriction

  • All customers of Banque de Tunisie who want to acquire a house Tunisia and could auto-finance it at 20% could benefit from the credit MELKTI.
  • The credit is immediate, you can benefit from the credit MELKTI even if you don’t have a credit account at Banque de Tunisie.

Documents à fournir lors d'une demande de crédit MELKTI:

  • Credit application and information sheet available on your bank branch, duly filled out.
  • Pay slip
  • Account statement (in case you are a customer of BT)
  • Wage certificate


You should add the following documents in case you want to:

Buy a house:

  • Sell commitment
  • Property title (sale contract, land certificate ...)

Build a house:

  • Property title (sale contract, land certificate ...)
  • Authorization to build
  • Cost estimation of required work

Miniature du produit

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