BT NET is the property of Banque de Tunisie, a limited company with a capital of 255 million dinars whose registered headquarters are located at 2, rue de Turquie, 1001, Tunis. It is registered in the commercial register of Tunis Trial Court under the number B1105941996 tax identification number 00120 HPM000 RNE 0000120H.
Intellectual Property:
BT NET content is the property of Banque de Tunisie. The use of all or part of the application, notably by copying, transmission or representation for purposes other than for personal and private use for non-commercial purposes, on any support is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes a contravention which may result in civil and criminal penalties.
Banque de Tunisie strives to provide to the best of its abilities the accuracy and updating of information available on BT NET, and reserves the right to change its content at any time without notice.
Banque de Tunisie will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption or malfunction whatsoever, for any reason whatsoever, or for any direct or indirect result in any way of a BT NET connection.
In case of dispute between the client and his Internet service provider or other provider or intermediary, or in the event of a malfunction of the computer or access mode belonging to the client, the Internet network and the access to it, whatever the cause or origin, Banque de Tunisie will not be held liable for the resulting difficulties for the transmission and routing of the customer’s instructions within normal time limits.(transfer orders ...)
The connection of any person to BT NET is under his full responsibility. Access may be interrupted at any time by Banque de Tunisie for reasons of maintenance, security or any other technical constraint.
Banque de Tunisie communicates to its customers their access personal settings which are strictly personal and should not be disclosed.
Disconnecting after the end of the use of BT NET has to be systematic in order to preserve confidentiality.
In case of theft of customer’s ID, Banque de Tunisie cannot be held liable for any transaction made through BT NET.
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