Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  particuliers, carte-particuliers, eng


You can recharge your card during every travel by mentioning the amount to allocate to your card according to the annual remaining amount.

The card is automatically renewed every 3 years and is subject to annual fees.

Liberté Voyage card allows you during your travel and according to the allocated amount to:

  • Withdraw currency from ATMs, ABMs and bank branches (cash advance)
  • Pay your expenditures from Tunisian traders
  • Online booking of hotels and car rental …
  • Get tax refund

The recharged amount in Tunisian dinars is used for transactions abroad in foreign currencies, translated into dinars at the prevailing rate of exchange and subtracted from the bank account linked with the card.

For peace of mind

Liberté Voyage card combines security and peace of mind thanks to its system-on-ship in accordance with EMV Standard

You can immediately block you card in case of loss or theft

You secret code allows you to securely pay your expenditures from traders and withdraw money from ATMs


You only need to register to BTNET service to know your card balance and have an overview of your expenses

You also can know your card balance through SMS

Once you set up an alert for your Liberté Voyage Card on BTNET service, you can have a daily insight of your balance through SMS

You can withdraw the remaining balance once you return from your travel

Miniature du produit

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