In order to preserve environment, Banque de Tunisie is pleased to make available the loat BT ENERGY to its particular customers. The credit is at a subsidized rate and is aimed for financing:
- Purchase of heating devises:Solar-powered heater, heater combining natural gas and electricity
- Installation and junction to natural gas network. Purchase of domestic equipment with energy label 1,2 or 3 certified by the ANME (National Agency for Energy Control).
- Thermal insulation of residential nuildings: purchase of materials (rock wool, polystyrene...) and/or installation
- Other energy saving investments or expenses.
Simple procedures:
- Loan application
- Pro-forma invoice for purchase of equipment and thermal insulation materials
- Or a cost estimation from the STEG (National electricity and gas company) in case of natural gas connection.
- Proof of income
For employees:
- Pay slip from maximum 2 months
- Recent evidence of annual income (from 3 months maximum)
For self-employed:
- Last year’s income tax return for natural persons
- Justification of any other income (contracts for rental lease, fee notes...)