Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  professionnels, eng

In case you are an importer looking for the easiest method of payment and cheapest to settle your foreign supplier, we suggest the commercial transfer abroad.

With this payment, the documents relating to your imports are sent by your provider, without the need to produce in return any bank guarantee.


  • Flexible and inexpensive procedure.
  • This transfer is carried out through the International SWIFT Network, characterized by extreme speed and a high level of security.
  • Short deadline through computerization of the process implementation.


  • Once you submit your transfer order to our offices or through the BTNET, we proceed to the supplier of the regulation as soon as possible through our various foreign correspondents.
  • In order to shorten deadline and provide rapid channeling funds, we recommend the use of BIC (SWIFT) of the supplier’s bank and the recipient's IBAN.


The exporter bears all risks internationally unless it is an early transfer, failing which payment is always made at the initiative of the importer, which may delay payment or not be carried out.

Miniature du produit

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