Documents required at the establishment of an undertaking, namely the mortgage
a. Building subject to a land title or undivided shares of a land title:
• Ownership certificate or certified copy to the original Land Register not older than three months,
• The birth certificate of the owner of the deeds including marital status not older than three months
• Title named "SANAD EL MILKIA " – proof of ownership – if the land title is subject to the property under the scheme
• The client's national identity card or mortgage deposit
• Legal record of the company and various minutes.
b. Article 279 of the real property code:
• Copy of the original sales contract
• The client’s national identity card or mortgage deposit
• Legal record of the company and various minutes.
c. On building to distract a Land Title:
• Copy of the original sales contract,
• The client’s national identity card or mortgage deposit
• Legal record of the company and various minutes.
d. Building an organisation to aquire from a body AFH, AFI, AFT:
• Copy of the sales agreement
• The client’s national identity card or mortgage deposit
• Legal record of the company and various minutes
e. Building subject to updated registration requisition:
• Certified copy of the original sales contract,
• Enrollment certificate not older than three months.
• The client’s national identity card or mortgage deposit
• Legal record of the company and various minutes..
f. Building without land title number registration or requisition:
• Certified copy of the original contract of sale of the building.
g. On acquiring property from a developer or individual:
• Promise of sale or copy of the land title + legal parent folder promoter
• Commitment to the seller's bank to issue release on the land to be acquired