Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  entreprises, eng

Documents required at the establishment of an undertaking, namely the pledge

On business:

·         copy of the contract of sale or lease,

·         The extract in the commercial register in recent dates,

·         The inventory figure and sings of existing equipment in thr trading provisions

On fixed equipment:

·         The invoice pro-forma for equipment to acquire,

·         The lease of the offices where the equipment will be placed,

·         The recent extract from the commercial register

·         Client's National Identity Card

On rolling stock (new or used):

·         New Vehicle: Proforma Invoice

·         Used cars: the vehicle registration to acquire

·         Client’s national ID

On agricultural equipment:

·         Culture Program

·         List of agricultural equipment

·         Client's National Identity Card

Market pledge:

·         The only copy of the signed contract, registered, approved and bearing the words of the original

·         Client's National Identity Card. or trade register

Stocks or shares

·         The status of the company

·         List of subscriptions and payments

·         The commercial register

·         Confirmation of the pledge on the company's records.

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