Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  professionnels, eng

Negotiable debt securities issued by a credit establishment that borrows them from legal or natural persons.

Who can benefit?

Any individual person holds an account in dinars open at one of our counters


  • Nature: debt securities on behalf of the subscriber and issued at par
  • Amount: multiple minimum of 500 000DT
  • Period: From 10 days to less and 5 years or more with a multiple period of 10 days, months or year;
  • Compensation: fixed rate payment for less than or equal to one year duration, fixed or variable for longer times in a year
  • Must be registered accounts with a credit institution..


  • The certificate of deposit may neither be prepaid or redeemed by BT
  • The interests served are subject to withholding tax at the prevailing rate.

Miniature du produit

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