Crédit en ligne Banque de Tunisie

Slogan Banque de Tunisie

  professionnels, carte-professionnels, eng

If you hold a convertible dinar or currency account and / or you have an allowance for business trips and your business takes you abroad often, Banque de Tunisie offers the International Classic Visa Card.


Access to over 24 million retail outlets and over 800,000 ATMs in the world. make withdrawals and adjust your spending, 7/7 and 24h / 24, including public holidays.


Availability: possibility of cash withdrawal Seven days a week 24 hours a day

Convenience: with your card, no need to have on you large sums in cash.

Time saving: with your card, no more waiting in front of the window to withdraw money

Support services:

The business card, in its international version, allows you to benefit from travel assistance provided by Europ Assistance and Astrée Company insurance and reinsurance, the main benefits are:

  • Medical transportation, medical assistance, medical transport.
  • Support for the visit of someone close if the beneficiary's hospitalization.
  • Repatriation of body in case of death.
  • Support for early return
  • Sending medication.
  • Legal Assistance.
  • Search and delivery of luggage.
  • Administrative Assistance
  • Advice for the trip.
  • Transmission of urgent messages.
  • A card with insurance against skimming (copy of the map based on the theft of card data and code)

A card that combines simplicity, availability and security as well as efficient services regardless of the situation

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